Injection Molding
Injection Molding
We offer molding solutions to fulfill a variety of functional and decorative requirements. Capabilities include single material and multi-material molding using both manual and automated part transfer methods. Manufacturing flexibility allows for economical and short-run capability, as well as high-volume manufacturing.
Signature Plastics specialized in two-shot insert molded keycaps, where the text is molded as a first shot and the body of the keycap is molded around the text as the second shot. These keycaps are unsurpassed in cosmetic appeal and graphic durability making them ideal for high-use applications. With more than 40 years’ experience in this two-stage manufacturing process, Signature Plastics continues to provide unique keycap solutions to customers worldwide building computer keyboards, POS systems, industrial gauges and controls, medical instrumentation, check encoders, retail surveillance systems, dispatch controllers, magnetic card readers and telecommunication systems.
Part Decorating
Part Decorating
We offer several post-molding decorating solutions including:
Sublimation Printing: a very durable solution for printing complex and multi-color graphics on parts, all within a single print cycle. The process is limited to printing dark colors on a lighter substrate.
A leading supplier of digital video editing keyboards found Signature Plastics’ sublimation printing process the right solution for their complex graphic requirements. Using this process, an entire keyboard containing multi-colored graphics can be printed within a single print cycle.
Pad Printing: an alternate solution for post mold decorating. Photo-etched plates ensure repeatability and print consistency over the life of the program. For added print durability, a UV cured clear hard coat can be applied.
Manufacturing capacity is supported by four printing presses, including a rotary printing station, a 4-color linear indexing press and a UV curing tunnel.
Paint and Engrave: Signature Plastics has the ability to paint and engrave custom non-standard keycaps to meet your unique backlit application. A CNC engraver cuts through the layer of paint to reveal the translucent molded keycap, allowing light to pass through. A highly durable flat enamel paint on the tough polycarbonate keycaps ensures years of reliable use. Contact customer service today to discuss your custom backlit needs!
Custom Molding
Custom Molding
Signature Plastics excels in molding high-quality, precision custom parts.
Secondary Operations
Secondary Operations
We offer a variety of secondary manufacturing processes, providing our customers with a one-stop solution. Some of these processes include collating, mechanical assembly, sonic welding and thermal insertion.